هيونداي تكشف عن أزيرا 2017 الجديدة كلياً


بعد يومين من نشرها صوراً تشويقية، كشفت هيونداي رسمياً عن الجيل الجديد من أزيرا.

“بداية عصر جديد لتصاميم هيونداي”، هكذا كشفت الشركة الكورية عن أزيرا الجديدة، ويمكن فوراً ملاحظة بضعة تغييرات في أزيرا التي ابتعدت ولو قليلاً عن هوية الشركة الواضحة في أسطولها بشكل عام. من الأمام نرى مقدمة بارزة خالية من التعقيدات بمصابيح LED نهارية بتصميم مميز ثنائي بينما تظهر في الأسفل مصابيح LED كذلك مع لمسات من الكروم لإعطاء مظهر عام فاخر للمقدمة، على العكس تظهر الخلفية -التي ستختلف الآراء حولها- بمصابيح متصلة قد يراها البعض بأنها مشابهة قليلاً لدودج تشارجر وكيا كادينزا في آن واحد، بالإضافة إلى مخرجين للعادم في الأسفل.

التغيير الأجمل كان في الداخلية التي أصبحت تنافس شقيقتها الفاخرة جينيسيس G80، حيث وفرت هيونداي تصميماً متناسقاً يوفر للسائق كل شيء بسهولة تماماً، ويظهر الجلد الفاخر في جميع أجزاء المقصورة بينما يظهر الكونسول الوسطي بشاشة للنظام الترفيهي وبقليل من الأزرار التي تعطي بساطة جميلة للمظهر العام.

في حديثها عن أزيرا الجديدة قالت الشركة الكورية أنها تأتي بتقنية جديدة من الطلاء الخارجي والجلود الداخلية التي تعكس رؤية هيونداي الفاخرة المستقبلية لجميع سياراتها. ميكانيكياً لم تكشف هيونداي عن أي شيء ولكن لا نتوقع تغييراً في محرك V6 سعة 3.3 لتر الذي تأتي به أزيرا في السوق المحلي والذي يرتبط بناقل حركة أوتوماتيكي من 8 سرعات.

تصل أزيرا الجديدة إلى الأسواق الكورية الشهر القادم تحت اسم Grandeur على أن تصل إلى الأسواق العالمية لاحقاً بداية العام القادم.


عن الكاتب

مهندس كهربائي، أحترم مهندسي نيسان وبورش.

101 تعليقات

  1. عاديه جدا
    من ورا تشارجر
    من قدام انفيتي
    من الداخل مازدا
    شغل قص ولصق

    1. اي شغل نسخ… لصق. شكلك ما تدري عن الالمان والمصممين اللي ضمتهم شركة هيوندي لشركتها . منهم مصممين.في بنتلي
      ومصممين آخرين في bmw و أودي.

      ويجونك ناس مطفين النور يقولون كوري وما يستحمل…إلخ.

      مايدري أن الكوري ينافس الحين السيارات اليابانية ويتفوق عليها بالتصاميم و بالمواصفات و بالسعر مقابل كل ريال تدفعه
      Value for money .

      ناس عقولها مصمخمة على خياس تويوتا وهوندا. تصاميم زبالة وأسعار فلكية. ومن زين المواصفات.

      1. التهجم عندك غبي لدرجة غير طبيعية، يعني الي ينتقد معه تويوتا!؟

        انا معي سوناتا 2014 واقولك السيارة شغل نسخ..

        هيونداي ليست اول شركة تضم مصممين من شركات اخرى لكن هل يعني اذا اخذت مصمم
        من شركة اخرى يزرف ام شركته السابقة!؟

        قسما بالله ناس مدري من وين لها العقل

        وعلى فكرة تويوتا اكبر شركة سيارات في العالم لكن ماتمر به الحين ظروف كل شركة نفس الشي تمر في ظروف سيئة…

        1. المصممين اللي كانو يشتغلون بBMW واودي اقتبسو من تصاميمهم إلى سيارات هيونداي وكيا. فهمت يا مدمغ ولا باقي.

          يارجال طير انت وتويوتا . بذمتك تصاميم تويوتا زينة اخس منها مافيه هي وهوندا. على فكرة سيارات تويوتا اللي تيجينا مشلحة مواصفاتها وحتى مواصفات دول الخليج .وصمت الشركة الأم تويوتا. دليل إنها راضية على هالمهازل اللي تصير ولا همها عميل ولا غيرة. طز في العميل بالنسبة لتويوتا.

      2. حبيبي وش دخل التصميم و ان السياره تستحمل و لا تقارن تايوتا بهوندا فرق كبير لا من ناحيه الشكل ولا من ناحيه الفخامه

        1. I dis­cov­ered EIT on Twit­ter talk­ing to Karina Its sounded great and I couldnt resist a hor­ror book that had ghost hunters. I reviewed the first book Dark­house and was instantly obsessed I had to have more! From then on I have never missed a book and even got quoted on the back of Dark­house new paper­back How cool is that!

        2. MakuDescubrí esta web una vez me compré el Kindle allá por el mes de marzo, y descubrí la cantidad de posibilidades que puede ofrecer.Si decides cerrarla, yo sólo puedo darte las gracias por haber realizado una labor tan desinteresada. Si decides reconvertirla (creo que se puede dar un enfoque como puede ser “El Ereader Caztizo”) te seguiré leyendoHagas lo que hagas, gracias y buena suerte

        3. Tutor, do you give lessons? A class on Comprehending The Basics of Men (And Humans In General) would be a great thing. If, y’know, those who actually needed it could be persuaded to attend.

        4. No. It’s? not a matter of taking longer when you apply out of state it simply depends on the availability of the center at the time you information was received be it in state or out of state. Just stay in contact with the person you met with face to face and signed you up. Stay focus…you’re day is coming.

        5. The big mistake here is thinking that Obobo wants to destroy the Cartels. Obobo wants to destroy America as a nation and the Cartels are smuggeling in Jihadies, there are hundreds on the border and 10,000s in Venezuala, they have been there since 2000 and now guard the ‘Trade Routes’ to the US.

        6. AED signifie « Aide à l’Eglise en Détresse ». Parmi les exactions commises par ces groupes à l’encontre des Chrétiens de Syrie, il faut relever le saccage de l’Evêché grec-catholique d’Alep en août dernier. Pour plus d’informations sur la position du clergé syrien dans le conflit, les lecteurs peuvent se reporter aux prises de positions de l’évêque grec-catholique de cette ville, Monseigneur Jeanbart, au demeurant excellent francophone (www.aed-france.org).

        7. "It all comes down to goals. If you believe that…."At this point there is one goal and one goal only. That goal is the defeat of Obama. Everything else, at this point, is just political stuff and nonsense. The candidate who can defeat Obama is the candidate. All others can just Sit. Down.

        8. mrice102888 / Oh yeah, LOL! In addition to not immediately burning your throat apart, my way allows for neat smoke tricks, like inhaling through the nose as you slowly push the smoke out with your tongue, or smoke rings (which is VERY wasteful). You should come smoke some with me, sometime.

        9. High cholesterol is one of the side effects of having diabetes – it doesn’t have to do with your diet. I know of several young children who’ve had D for years and have high cholesterol. They’re on meds for it. Sucks, but there it is. I’d call the endo’s office to get your a1C results. That’d bug me, too.

        10. I like Gov. Palin a lot. I don’t think she is qualified to be VP.I think she could handle the job. She will be qualified about 2 months before the next election if she rides the ticket to the top this time around.Biden as VP is VERY scary (what a moron). It is a good thing that Barrack is a young man.—Oh, and I would fire the dunderhead that put me on the phone with these guys. Whiskey Tango Foxtro, over?

        11. I L-O-V-E Divergent!!!! It is my favorite book EVER! I told my friend they were going make a movie, bu nooooo she didn’t believe me. So we made a bet. If I won, she had to pay for my ticket and take me. If I lost , then i give her money. I won so, yeah. I’m happy!

        12. Astrid, jego przewaga po wyborach (II kadencja) była tak niewielka, że musiał tkwić w koalicji z nacjonalistycznymi partiami. Stąd te ustępstwa dla nacjonalistów katalońskich czy baskijskich, psujące krew. Zapatero był zakładnikiem tych partii. Podobnie jak Tusk jest zakładnikiem PSL. Albo kogokolwiek innego, bo sam nie większości do rządzenia

        13. Barry doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. In her defense, Hillary could toss back a few whiskeys on the chartered campaign jet o’ doom, not worry too much about the multi-million-dollar bar tab, and laugh.

        14. You could certainly see your enthusiasm in the work you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.

        15. Raine disse:Queriiiidos…o video ficou lindoooo Foi muito especial ter vocês, meus chefes, amigos e melhores fotografos registrando o melhor momento das nossas vidas.Estou com saudadeeees beijao

        16. I have TONS of vintage things. I buy vintage almost exclusively for the character it adds to my home! My most recent favorite purchase was a bar cart I restored and posted today!

        17. – just as Obambi got a free ride for being half-African American from the bleeding heart contingent and a constant itch for the racist contingent, a woman Prez right now would be nothing but one long misogynistic commentary of mass distraction for MSM…so Rocky is an excellent REPRESENTATIVE of the greatest good for the greatest number….I appreciate Rocky’s SINCERE repulsion (it’s GENETIC, people) of the ethical freak show that is *politics*. Seriously, the cavalier launching of WAR (slam dunk) is so off the charts of normal human intelligence, that it can’t be tolerated.

        18. bills that you want desperate enable with? Are you {thinking about|looking at|considering bad credit loans? By taking action now you are presently at an benefit more than  absolutely everyone else that

        19. disse:Hehe, como imaginei está além do orçamento para games de PSX na coleção atualmente, quem sabe num futuro não (ou talvez muito) distante?Valeu chapa.^^

        20. Welcomed? By whom? By those who hope for their own self-aggrandizement in the EU’s post-convergence period, the one-worlders, who understand that national cultures must be destroyed in order to save them? Is process, then, the measure of progress, and any process better than none? As in Middle East peace talks? And out of it all comes the German dominance that so many fought so hard to resist generations ago? Europe’s political leadership? An oxymoron at best. The riders in a circus clown car at worst.

        21. el club de la pelea… (traducina por aki) es super… desde ke la vi me dejo pensando muchas cosas y desiaria ke hayan mas peliculas asi.LA habitacion de Fermat le tengo unas ganas!!! Muy bueno el podcast sigan con esa buena seleccion de peliculas 🙂 Me sorprende la cantidad de comentarios que tienen… 😀

        22. The other day, while I was at work, my sister stole my iPad and tested to see if it can survive a 30 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone! Kudos!

        23. Il a vraiment écrit « autant d’Uronie perspicace », le ministre ou faut-il se demander si notre Ass a lui-même bien lu le texte d’un ministre qui, insinue-t-il, ne se serait pas lui-même lu ? Mais il a peut-être été écrit par le père Foucault. Bonne nuit ! (Attention d’ailleurs à Uronie/Uranus, avec les bruits qui courent…)

        24. What a wonderful post about overcoming the expectations of society to focus on the well being of a child. I work with elementary and middle school age students each day. I wish they were not under such pressure to be anything except kind, productive citizens. Often we don’t know who/what we will be later and shouldn’t have to declare anything until we are older and more sure. I am inspired by you, Denise, and all the wonderful comments here. There is so much hope out there for more aware and loving society.

        25. Hi Bronwyn, I don't have a plane story, Mum had to ban Lassie at our house when I was young as I would get hysterical that Lassie would not save the "insert cute animal or kid" in time. I cried at Marley and Me big time, and if you ever want to have a good cry, try What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams.

        26. Mich dit :Cool! au prix identique du store de google?petit nexus 4 pour remplacer mon nexus s et petite nexus 10 pour la famille probablement merci de ta réponse rapide

        27. Jejee…i com que cuines coses que no t’agraden…???jo sino m’agraden …no es cuinen…Es espectacular… El salmón fumat que tu has fet servir es en un tros o a filetejat…?Sort,,,peró vaja aquest concurs…crec que es teu…Per cert no et funciona al index…. ni a tu ni a molts de nosaltres…

        28. Tu as bien raison de profiter des belles soirées que nous avons actuellement !Il est vrai que le sac est très joli, il a des airs de Gucci.Sinon, je suis curieuse de voir les photos de ton road trip.Bises

        29. If you want to change the system update notifier to the way it was in previous Ubuntu releases, just open up a terminal and type this: gconftool -s –type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch falseThat’s two dashes before the word type, not one.That is the first thing I did when I upgraded to Jaunty.

        30. Boleh..tpi kat belakang bdn susah nak sapu..lagipun kalau parut tu banyak krim ni cpt habis…elok makan Vitamin C untuk hilangkan jerawat kat belakang badan tu…

        31. La España más profunda que nunca.Kiko, ¿por qué no nos das el correo electrónico de Himénez Mierdoy? Así cada uno de nosotros le podríamos mandar unas docenas de "felicitaciones".Ánimo, suerte y un saludo desde Cataluña.

        32. · Beh Maurizio, semplicemente qui non si parla di contenuti perché il problema non sta nei contenuti. Anzi. :)Tanto per dire: io non faccio marketing, ma essendoci fra i miei interessi cose come la psicologia sociale, le dinamiche dei social network e filosofia del linguaggio (oltre che come sai essere uno dei co-organizzatori del BzaarCamp e del RitaliaCamp) mi intrometto quando vedo un uso di un termine come “Camp”, mentre mi limito a leggere sui blog tuo, di MCC e del MarketingCamp. 🙂

        33. Mie mi se pare ca ideea asta te afecteaza negativ: cum adica casatorii de o singura zi? Urmeaza de o singura ora.Eu ma intreb cat dureaza divortul? Ii dai o palma, semnezi si gata.Cam nasol din partea mea.De la mine poti citi: ÃŽÅ£i place? 0

        34. Yo, que las unicas olas que veo alrededor son las que traza el viento en los campos de trigo, paso muy buenos ratos aquí sentado, contemplando desde vuestra taberna el azul profundo de este mar surcado de sentimientos. Gracias.

        35. Oh Hun this colour scheme is just delicious, I adore those two colours together and the Summer Kit Tildas look awesome, what a brilliant idea to add the seeds this is just breathtaking dearHugs Jacqui x

        36. We have had the Wii Fit for a couple of weeks now – I have yet to even try it. Busy busy busy here – and I think I am afraid I will make it cry… 😉

        37. Hello…I came towards the exact conclusion as properly some time ago. Great write-up and I will likely be certain to look back later for much more news….

        38. “Actually it’s going to pay for the costs of the Leadership Race itself. No worries though, as the PC Party already has the warchest needed to run another election, perhaps even two.That’s what happens when you actually have supporters. “No, that’s what happens when there are pathetically lax political contribution laws.

        39. July 26th, 2007 at 10:25 amNew Inv Dave.. I dunno nuttin bout no duplex financing and property management ..but what are looking for? Links? Classes?”Well, I’ve read several books and have read a lot of stuff on the web as well, but what I’m looking for is a veteran of the industry that I can bounce specific property ideas off of. Somebody who has seen multifamily valuation cycles, for example, and how certain towns can rise and decline in value.

        40. Too many different versions out there to know the truth of it now. Just more race baiting as far as I can see from the 15 or so different places that I looked at the story. All but one made race the big issue as to the reason no one would help her instead of it being their being a storm and looters out there.

        41. Sem dúvida, Juliete, o sr. Serra é também favorável ao aborto. Inclusive ultimamente me pergunto se o marxismo enrustido do PSDB não é muito pior do que o marxismo revolucionário do PT. Napoleão foi muito pior do que a Revolução Francesa, mas não era um revolucionário declarado. O é um dos piores inimigos modernos da Igreja, pois trata-se de marxismo travestido de cristianismo.Saiba mais sobre José Serra na questão do aborto:

        42. Holy shit, Vince, that second paragraph read like you straight-up chugged a bottle of Haterade and then rage-vomitted it all back up on your keyboard.

        43. What these people need to do is take the word back, like we’ve been doing with the N-word.  It’s all about the negative connotation. If they just started yelling at each other "What’s up my REETAA".  Although with their cleft pallets and mushmouths they already sound like their saying that…

        44. D. Leal • 20 de Fevereiro de 2011 às 23:49Não é mesmo isso Celso, eu ainda coloco o código antigo, faço exactamente o mesmo processo para adicionar video em outras contas que mesmo que tenham as mesmas premissoes que as minhas, não dá na mesma.. Também tentei adicionar videos do sapo e também nao deu, o problema deve ser do wordpress de certeza…

        45. HartMarch 7, 2011 Jim, I don’t the issue about representativeness has much to do with who has a phone or who is online, as it does with who is would even participate in a phone or an online survey. Self-selection is where the real bias lies.

        46. I believe that the cover art will directly affect book sales, and when the author decides to publish I would strongly recommend that he hires a professional designer. Like with most fiction books, the back cover copy will also be very important, and I would suggest that the author begins to play around with his synopsis and elevator speech.

        47. Rosey PattersonOctober 19, 2012We taught this song at my church in Birmingham just last Sunday! It’s obviously early days, but the comments from the congregation have been overwhelmingly positive so far. I agree that it is a good combination of excellent words and a good tune (though slightly reminiscent of aha!) I also felt the congregation picked it up very quickly, a sign of a good corporate song. I like the idea of teaching the harmony…might try that sometime.

        48. Good luck with the bad news!Ma bucur ca iti plac pensulele, le am si eu de cateva luni deja si sunt incantata de ele. Balsamul meu KMF e cu capsuni, daca iti plac fructele, ti-l recomand caci aroma e minunata!In prima mea comanda va intra gelul de curatare si ma gandesc la crema cu SPF, pentru ca si eu trebuie sa renunt la SPF-ul water-resistant.

        49. Impeach? How does Impeachment work with an "illegal" president? Kenya? No way in Hell should the American people allow the treasonous usurper to escape to Kenya! He must be tried, convicted, and suffer the maximum penalty for sedition, treason, and other high crimes committed against our country. The American people should stand up and demand he be locked up for life or worse! He's nothing other than the worst type of terrorist and will not stop unless he's arrested NOW!!

        50. i’ve seen coheed live about 5 times now, and every time it’s exactly as you described. a wonder to behold! Their tour with iron maiden was awe inspiring, but was just a tease! i can’t WAIT for them to come back!

        51. Για να έχεις στρατηγική πρέπει να γνωρίζεις όλα τα δεδομένα να έχεις πληροφόρηση. Από ότι φαίνεται μόνον ο ΓΑΠ την έχει και αυτό φαίνεται στη γλώσσα του σώματος στις φωτογραφίες από την πρόσφατη συνάντηση.Ανταρτοπόλεμο κάνει ο ΑΣ.

        52. I would call Elvis just before he died, and tell him to instead go into hiding so people all around the world can report sightings of him for the next 50 years.(stelari has made 2 comments)

        53. Nice one, Franco – this was my experience when I went on Sky TV live for the first time (the Andrew Strausss interview  )In the green room, my head was full – the moment I went on, my head cleared. Well done with your talk, too – keep up the good work! BML J

        54. Exactly – didn’t all of her “friends” bring her huge portions right after Mason Dixon was born? We all know Kathy to be the stretchiest stretch outer of all leftovers ever, but she managed to make several meals from some of those food gifts.

        55. I would like to win because this would be the ideal way to take my books with me in the form of ebooks, also help me organize for all my chuch meeting having all my report in one place.

        56. Now you need to tell us that Google doesn't prefer dir structured URL's (commonly called SEO optimized) to ones with query strings in. /keyword/anotherkeyword gets as much page rank as index.html?this=keyword&that=anottherkeyword

        57. Coronel, porque será que a presidanta não deu o ministério da Cultura para esse ser medíocre,puxa-saco e papagaio de pirata?Para não ter o lixo fedendo por perto?

        58. BARCA disse:Rodrigo me mostra e não disse me disse,por exemplo essas suas tolices sobre o Mirage 2000 já foram desmentidas inumeras vezes,recentemente o francisco AMX,mostrou seu ponto de vista e mostrou dados,e vc desmereceu o cara dizendo que ele se baseava em dados falsos,vc se baseia em que cara,vc tem a planinha da fab em mãos pra dizer isso,vc é menbro da equipe de manutenção,de onde vc tirou que os franceses sacaneia segundo as suas palavras. ________________EDITADO POR DESRESPEITAR AS REGRAS DO BLOG

        59. Wow, 20+ methods which we can use to reduce spam comments. I have never thought of some of these methods. Anyway, I think the easiest and most effective is just to use Akismet.

        60. Sobre a caracterização de Portugal do "antes do 25 de Abril",o José Belo conseguiu traçar, em poucas palavras, um dos melhores retratos que já vi.Um abraço para ele, extensivo a todos os restantes camaradasJosé Vermelho

        61. goedemiddag ,ik zou graag de kaartjes willen winnen omdat het ieder jaar weer een puzzel is om voor 6 personen een appartement te vinden ,gr en nog de beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar,jolanda

        62. Josy, infelizmente não é possível realizar qualquer diagnóstico pela internet, mesmo um médico não tem autorização. Sendo assim, sugerimos que busque uma consulta com um Dermatologista, para o diagnóstico e tratamento das suas manchas..

        63. As someone who has lost three BB's in my career – coffee, wine, water – I can feel your pain. They have engineered the smart phones with harder cases for the hand slip meets pavement incident, they now need to work on the waterproof technology to protect us from the various liquids in our lives. I hope your iPhone makes a speedy recovery!

        64. Seriously! And she thought she was a GENIUS for putting socks on his hands. Attention all new moms! Are your baby’s hands inexplicably cold because it’s 45 degrees outside? I FIGURED OUT A SOLUTION! SOMEONE CALL THE PATENT OFFICE.

        65. Sokker er jo noe man kan strikke i uendelig, men det er sÃ¥ fint Ã¥ fÃ¥ hjemmestrikkete sokker. Fint mønster du holder pÃ¥ med, men tror nok for noen er det komplisert. Det blir sikkert nydelig nÃ¥r det er ferdig. 😉

        66. Se a Milano ci fossero alcune di queste meraviglie (la prima, la seconda, la quarta e soprattutto la nona dall'alto) e in Jugoslavia ci fossero "l'ago e il filo" e "la fontana con l'uovo" avrei detto: "Per fortuna che noi abbiamo buon gusto!" 😉 Cmq la scultura di Pomodoro mi piace!^^

        67. It’s funny – I live at the ocean and collect shells every day on my walk. Our house is crammed with bowls and jars of shells. So we just went on our fall road trip and what did I bring home as souvenirs? Bags full of shells! (But they’re Gulf of Mexico shells, not Atlantic Ocean shells…)I like the thought of pocket limit and what that might mean…

        68. Last Saturday saw the first of the Carl Zeiss food photography masterclasses for this year, held at Hanare under chef Kenny Yew. The participants were mostly professionals from other genres of photography – weddings, pets, video, portraits. In attendance was also Philip Ong from Shriro, the Asia-Pacific representatives for Carl Zeiss, Profoto and Gitzo. 

        69. AMAZING post! Yes, I have been reading but not commenting lately! I am so amazed at all of your family unity. It is AMAZING how well you and Michelle work together as a parental unit and as husband and wife!~Elyse~

        70. An attention-grabbing dialogue is worth comment. I believe that you need to write extra on this topic, it may not be a taboo subject but typically people are not sufficient to talk on such topics. To the next. Cheers

        71. / Sacha, that is SO exciting!!! Congratulations. Nothing means more to me than knowing I played even a small part in someone else’s bliss.And good on you for taking action. So few people ever do.

        72. Amazing! This blog looks just like my old one! It’s on a completely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Superb choice of colors!

        73. Oh, Lucille, the memories of college life and next-morning exams. Camp NaNoWriMo just started up again yesterday, though, so I want to see you give it another shot!

        74. सार्थकता लिए हुए सटीक लेखन … प्रस्‍तुति के लिए आपका आभार ।

        75. Your brain sounds like my brain. I think pus only has one S to start with, but still, if you wanted to have a Y at the end, you’d be forced to put in the 2nd S and then…you’d end up with just a dirty word.

        76. I’m a bit? scared..especially regarding neck manipulation, there were a lot of case reports that caused stroke or fracture or even death… healthy people is fine, but unhealthy ppl would have serious side effect after chiro treatment.. . just google those,, u will see many cases. . -Sandy Nette’s Story (hemiparalized after chiro treatment). -What’s the harm in going to a chiropractor? (Sacramento Bee Newspaper). -Videos of Sandy Nette\\’s Story (you will see more reports)

        77. ! I do agree but I also agree with France about the pricing differences across the UK. Here in Winchester it can be a bit more pricey….you will never see shoes £1.00 because the assumption is everyone who lives here is loaded. Cardiff or Newport or even down the road in Southampton it's more what you'd think of as chazza shop pricing which means I can get an armful of stuff instead of a few bits for my wonga.Having said that I have nabbed a few stunning bargains of late…no complaints from me! xxxxxx

        78. 35b4I enjoy, result in I found just what I was looking for. You have ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye 154

        79. Haha..Cool betul semua ads tu..Yang pasal sos tu, rasanya apa yg ads tu cuba sampaikan adalah kalau xda sos maknanya x ceria la makanan kita..Sebab tu pinggan,gelas semua warna putih ja..Hehehe.. []

        80. Wonderful card as always, Bev – how did you create those wonderful punched and scalloped edges to the left of the card?You work so hard at your art and I look forward to receiveing the Feedblitz notifications of your postings – it's real eye candy!Diane x

        81. 93 Nom – Well if you ever get to skyline, you’ll have to choose between a 3 way, 4 way or 5 way.Lay off Sir Topham Hatt. He always makes sure the trains run ontime. He’d make a fantastic Sec of Transportation or Superintendent of Amtrak. I’d wager he could even make Amtrak profitable.

        82. Bruna comentou em 20 de agosto de 2011 às 02:09. Ai gente, devo dizer que eu gostava quando também postavam a foto/imagem da inspiração da make! Pra poder fazer uma comparação com o resultado da Julia.Por que não fazem mais assim?

  2. من قدام النترا منفخه من الخلف تشارجر و من الداخل قبيحة للاسف عادية جدا

  3. انا معي سوناتا، لكن قسما بالله الشركة صارت تنسخ فقط لا غير….

  4. ملك الطارة

    سيارة نسخ و لصق شوية انفتي على تشالجر على الانتراء
    حتى من الداخل ما سلم من النسخ و الصق الشاشة نفس شاشة الماليبو الجديد

  5. كل شي فيها جيد عدا الستيرنق شقله غلط بس الي يقول تشبه داخلية مازدا ومن قدام انفنتي مادري شو كان يفكر يوم قالها انا عندي مازدا 6 ولا اشوف فيه شي قريب مت المازدا اما الي يقولي نفس شاشة الماليبو شكله بس شاف الايقونات الي ع شاشه ترا هذا نظام ابل الله يهديك ???

  6. وين النسخ بالله في السيارة!!! اذا فيه تشابه هذا مو معناته نسخ. ثانيه الخلفيه المتصله هذي هوية ازيرا من الجيل الاول من قبل دودج تشارجر لسنوات.

    1. الدوج عامه والبلايموث والبورش واللينكولن من الستينات والاناره الخلفيه متصله واللدوج الشارجر خاصه من اخر الستينات . الأسيويين الكوريين واليابانيين والصينين اغلب تصاميمهم نسخ ولصق وتقليد لسيارات
      الامريكيه والاوربيه .واللي يتابع وهوايته السيارات يعرف هالشي .. طبعا ماقلل جوده السيارات الاسيويه . اتكلم عن تقليد التصاميم

    2. عزيزي…. حينما نتكلم عن تصاميم شركة دودج فمن المؤكد سوف نتكلم عن التصاميم الكلاسيكية البحتة المحافظة عليها الشركة منذ القدم
      فتصميم تشارجر وتشالنجر هو مشتق من تصاميم الستينيات وهذا يعني قبل وجود شركة هيونداي التي ظهرت في اواخر الستينيات

  7. بعيدا عن السجالات أعلاه…
    السيارة رائعة جدا عدا شكل المقود
    شكله المصمم صحي من النوم وبدا يشخبط وهذا اللي حصل معه.


    اختلفوا يا أحباب واحفظوا لبعضكم البعض مقام الحب والود.

  8. وجهيت زوم خلفيت تشاجر داخلي اوبتما اشلون كذا ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههہ هٌ :'(=D !

  9. أخذ لي سياره زوم شكل ومنظر اطلع من الازيرا الجديده أو أخذ تشاجر فخامه وكل شي فيه جذاب بالعقل شي ما يدخل المزاج بالعكس الازيرا القديمه 2016 اطلع بكثير شكل ومنظر رائع جدا

  10. ياجماعة انا محتار بين الازيرا الجديدة والمازدا الجديدة وش الافضل؟!

    1. هذا الكلام ياربع خلو عنكم الكلام هذا اذكرو لنا عيوب السياره وبس خلو الواحد يسفيد واذكرو الله

  11. مكان الساعة والشاشه كان من الممكن أن يكون أجمل .. وضع الساعه محطوط غصب .. لو أنهم مكبرين الشاشه زي شاشة لكزس 12 بوصه أفضل وأجمل

  12. كل ما قلت هانت جد علم جديد للاسف هيونداي وكيا ما كملت كم سنة بتصاميمها الحلوة الا وهي ترجع لنفس النمط ليش كذا ياخي وتويوتا تصاميمها خايسه وش بقى لنا شركات استغلال للعميل سيارات قبيحة بمواصفات سيئة من اجل كسب اكبر قدر من الارباح باقل الخسائر


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