مشاهدة 3 نسخ مرسيدس S-Class الجديدة في طريقها إلى الرياض

@Hatem Alkhathlan

بعد تدشين مرسيدس رسمياً للجيل الجديد من S-Class في السعودية في حدث أقيم في جدة, شوهدت فجر اليوم الأحد 3 نسخ من مرسيدس S-Class على أحد ناقلات السيارات, قادمة من جدة وفي طريقها إلى الرياض.

جميع النسخ القادمة, والتي سيتم بيعها في السوق السعودي والشرق الأوسط خلال الأشهر الأولى ستكون S500 فقط, ولكن وفقاً لمصادرنا, مرسيدس ستطلق أيضاً S400 الهجينة في شهر أغسطس القادم, ثم ستليها S63 AMG التي تم الكشف عنها مؤخراً.

الجدير بالذكر أن أول نسخة في العالم من مرسيدس S-Class الجديدة تم بيعها في السعودية في مزاد وصل إلى 1.62 مليون ريال سعودي, شاهد تغطيتنا للحدث هنا.

تعرّف على جميع مواصفات ومميزات مرسيدس S-Class في التقرير المفصل هنا 

شكراً لـZAZ لإرسال الصورة


عن الكاتب

مؤسس سعودي شفت، مهتم بكل مايتعلق بالسيارات.

112 تعليقات

  1. بكل بساطة جاية من الحفل اللي اقيم في جدة لكن هل رايحة للجفالي أو للأمراء ؟؟

    1. أحتمال 80% اني اعرف وين رايحة لكن بقولها لكم يوم الأربعاء ان شاء الله

      1. لا ي شيخ تكفى قلنا

        1. اوك رايحة لحفل مرسيدس الخاص ووصلت للرياض والحفل اليوم والي مو مصدق رح اكتب بالتويتر @supercarssa ورح شف الصور

  2. يالله ترزقنا بالجنه لي اربع سنوات وابشتري سياره ماني عارف كيف لوابيع سيارتي ماتجيب 5000 الاف يمكن قيمة اسطب في السياره ذي هههههههههه

    1. محمد الشامي

      غيرك مايمتلك سياره 🙂 فحمد الله

  3. غير معروف

    أية طلعوا قروشهم بس الله يبارك للي شراها

  4. ملك الطاره

    هل تم الغاء فئة S600 ؟

  5. يقهروني الي يقولو رايحة اللامراء اقسم باللة في امير عايش فيلا اجار وكثير امراء واللة العظيم وتلاقي معاة سيارة وحدة بس بورش او بي ام الكاش ياحبيبي الي اغنى من الامراء بكثييييير الشيوخ ولد الزاهد و الباشا و بن دادود وكثيييير زيهم الامير اسم بس واللة زي لمن يقلك السيط ولا الغنى و راتب الامير 70 الف في الشهر هاذا اذا كان صاحب سمو ملكي اما الامراء الي مرررررررة كاش الي ابوهم عايش زي عيال مشعل عيال اجمد بن عبدالعزيز زي كذا بس اي امير كاش مرررررة لا معلومة جدا خاطئة عند كثييييييييييييييييييير ناس

    1. عبدالمجيد

      بلا كذب يا نصاب شكلك مباحث.

      1. غير معروف

        أشك انه مباحث ياحبيبي ذا مايعرف يكتب

    2. arkadaslar bn 11 yasındayım annemde babamda sıgara içiyor ve bende onların soluduğu dumanı soluyorum ve bnde annem ve babam tobe olcekler die gizli gizli bir yerde ağlıyorum onlara soyluyorum içmeyin ama bni dinlemiyorlar 3 kardesiz biz buyuk olanı iciyodu sonra bıraktı ama 2 abim hayla içior ve bizim ewde sıgara içen 4 kişi ve bn hiç içmiyeceğim sizde ne olur ıcmein

    3. I just search some keywords at Google and then I enter here, I find many information, and now I just want to let you know I really like to read your posts!

    4. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Unausgeschlafene Krümel können wirklich anstrengend sein, selbst wenn sie noch viiiiel kleiner sind Das arme kleine Küken! Das ist immer so traurig, aber schön, dass ihr es begraben habt mit Blumen und allem was dazu gehört.Liebste Grüße von Frau Wien

    5. Heta: Toimisi varmasti. Kissoille voisi olla vielä hyvä juttu, jos aukko olisi peitetty levyllä ja siinä vain pieni kulkuaukko sisälle.Näin juuri kissoille tarkoitetun sisältä pehmustetun ja molemmista päistä auki olevan putkilon joka ripustetaan patteriin kiinni:) Ihanan lämmin paikka:)

    6. Pella, Trunge, Velo en el MD de un Challenger. Me encanta la renovación.Pachu Heras anotado en la qualy de un Challenger lejos de casa, será verdad?. Muy bueno, por aquello de la renovación…..

    7. Merci pour le compliment Nadine, mais c’est à vous que revient tout le merite, c’est vous qui envoyez un max de jus en séance…et c’est clair, sa paye à fond!!!

    8. MiniPhasme :Face à lui, un pauv’ con doublé d’un malotru**, qui risque de payer cher son refus de la main tendue d’un généreux** présidentRelire les Lettres de Presbourg de Montesquieu pour savoir ce que celui-ci pensait des hobereaux hongrois!

    9. パラオ調査報告ありがとうございます(^^ゞもうね~、、、パラオ行きたーい(≧◇≦)またしても、1枚目の写真から、うわ~~きれい!!となり、やっぱりサメこわ~い(>_<)・・・バラクーダやたらこ唇に見とれて(笑)、おお~、迫力あるマンタだー、思ったら、、、なにっ?!å‹•ç”»!!!もう~癒されました(´。`)感動です!!私、海を見ていると吸い込まれそうな感覚に陥るんですよ(危ない?)いつかは潜ってみたいなぁ♪あ、話がそれました(失礼)その後の珍しいお魚さんたちもいいですね^^そして、一番最後のお魚(なの?)の名前がすんごく気になります。。。以上、じぶログ巡回報告でした(^^ゞ三日目の報告も楽しみにしております!

    10. Te haces fuera de la basinica. Le das mal nombre a los médicos. Mira que escribir “hosmosis”…. ya mejor ni te preguntamos qué elementos la determinan ni de tus diseños experimentales.

    11. Jaja, die lesen es … wenn auch erst einige Tage später – aber immerhin.Ich sehe schon, ich werde mich ranhalten müssen, wenn ich jeden Blogeintrag von dir lesen will 😉 weiter so !

    12. Donald Trump was honored and very proud of himself for being mentioned by both presidential debators in the very nice city of Denver on this Tonight, both men clearly elevated themselves by the mention. Donald Trump is very proud of his small business. The only thing he would have liked to hear more about: is himself, but a mention of the birth certificate and college records of Obama would have been alright, not the best, but just OK.

    13. This was fantastic! I didn't have any turmeric so I omitted it, it was still super tasty! It definitely tastes just like the dairy-based chowders I used to make. I'm never going back! 🙂

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    16. yo creo en la historia,estoy segura de que estas cosas pasan,de hecho me han pasado..pero esa foto..al lado del dove hay una linea en el aire..y el frasquito donde quedo?igual yo me mudaria aunque sea a un lugar mas chico si no tengo guita..Besos!

    17. Der Block ist nun auf allen meinen Seiten verfuegbar und bleibt dort solange wie die Aktion rennt!das unterschreibe ich sofort und wenn die Haiti Aktion auslaeuft, werde ich mir ebenfalls was ueberlegen, dass auch einen Bezug zu meinem Content hat. Ich hab da schon was in der Pipeline 😉

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    21. Carson Best New Restaurant: Haute Dish. Best Chef: Isaac Becker (112 Eatery is still my favorite restaurant in the cities)Best Purveyor: Thousand Hills Cattle Company.

    22. Oh yeah, whenever I hear a speech like this . . . .”Don’t tell me words don’t matter. ‘I have a dream’ – just words? ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal’ – just words? ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself’ – just words?”. . . . the very first historic speaker I think of HAS to be Deval Patrick.

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    29. Cat/Dog allergies for me?I think I’m allergic to cats but I’m not sure because sometimes I get some sort of allergic reaction… but sometimes I don’t.(and I’m not getting tested because there will never be a time when I will raise a cat)Also, if it is allergies, will I have an allergic reaction with dogs?I really want a dog, but I’m afraid I might have some reaction to it.I know that there are hypoallergenic dogs, but I want a medium~large sized dogs. Can anyone help me, and answer if I should get a dog/hypoallergenic dogs?

    30. Здравствуйте мне шестнадцать, стаж 5 лет, начал бросать неделю назад и вот ужа хожу как выжатый лимон наверное это ломка, спасает турник, но мне нужна помощь что нужно что бы бросить? Прошу ответа как можно быстрее очень нужно!!!

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    32. Luigi Capone scrive:La nostra realtà è questa e la nostra epoca è questa, e per quanto schifo facciano, sono le nostre. E’ questo quello che voglio dire, scrivendo queste cose. Tutto qui. I più pensano di vivere in un telefilm americano, ma se provassero per un attimo a spegnere la televisione vederebbero esattamente quello che vedo io.Grazie per il commento, come sempre preziosissimo.Un abbraccio,Luigi

    33. eu tb amo o dr house, ele nem é tão mal assim, se ele fica bonzinho perde a graça, só um realista d+, prepotente, orgulhoso.. bem, ver ele levando uma porrada é até legal, pq a gte sabe q ele merece, o pior (ou melhor?) é que ele não muda. Às vezes, ver ele deixar o orgulho de lado dói em mim, acho que o detetive que vai estar enchendo o saco dele (e o nosso), está até a altura dele. Só que a gte ñ consegue amá-lo tanto assim… Se tem q ser o Morse… q seja!

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    35. if a person goes to jail for pot, the jail time is more damaging. I think if you include prescription drugs, more then 1% of the population is taking dangerous drugs. Prescription drug abuse is bigger then all other street drugs combined, excluding pot

    36. Eu tava aqui pensando… Vai ver que tudo é fruto do psicológico. Vai ver que o m´nino, desde pivete lá em Garanhuns, queria tanto brincar de aviãozinho…

    37. Now, if only Mrs. Taitz and Mr. Walters had filed a timely objection with the Objection Board, they would have standing to bring a judicial review of their ruling…

    38. Akkor ezek szerint van két remek funkciója a levélküldőnek, csak éppen nem érdemes használni. Nem lehet valami megállapodást kötni a szolgáltatókkal, hogy ha innen jön levél azt ne kezelje spamként?

    39. Je trouve cela assez bluffant. Trouver une idée aussi rapidement alors que mes amis et moi de buzzinov on se prend trop la tête pour trouver une idée de business.A méditer !

    40. > Superman is resigning his day job as a reporter and going rogue, possibly as a self-employed bloggerWow. It only took the the MSM 13 months to figure that out?ObUsualSuspectsQuote: “Did you put that together yourself, Einstein? What, do you got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?”

    41. if you want this recipe to REALLY sing, take ten extra minutes and make your own ricotta…click here to find out how to do it.  It’s so easy you won’t believe

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    44. Pamiętaj, że NewConnect nie jest rynkiem regulowanym, lecz alternatywnym systemem obrotu. W związku z tym uregulowania prawne są trochę inne. Wpływa to również na kwestię nadzoru. Duża część zadań została przerzucona na organizatora rynku (a pośrednio też autoryzowanych doradców). KNF zatwierdzając regulamin poniekąd umywa ręce.Nie zmienia to faktu, że cała sytuacja wobec Infinity trochę nie pasuje do idea funkcjonowania rynków kapitałowych (alokacja kapitału do podmiotów najefektywniej go wykorzystujących).PozdrawiamGrzegorz

    45. My hubby’s paternal DNA shows Sardinia as well, but his family were from Germany around the time many of the Anabaptists left the area. He has that face, hair, and eyes that can adapt to any country he is living in– It is amazing to me. Me? I look to Scandinavian to blend in–

    46. I think Jakey has you all wrapped around his paw 🙂 really looking forward to seeing your renfrew. There are lots of cute tops around the net from this pattern.

    47. Creo que también podría entrar el reconocimiento de iguales o el tema de caricias positivas para auto-afirmarte, marcar un hito y seguir hasta el siguiente, o todo lo contrario menos eso 😉

    48. hum ne yeh redio suna . aur sary programmes buht acchy hein. aur ap ko mubarakbad kay yeh radio buh accha aur door tak suna ja raha hai online internet kay zariye

    49. Niech sobie robiÄ… co chcÄ…, ale niech Tb nie usuwa już wiadomoÅ›ci zakwalifikowane jako spam, z których pobieram tylko nagłówki, a nastÄ™pnie klikam “nie spam” i chcÄ™ Å›ciÄ…gnąć resztÄ™.Niestety powoduje to wyÅ‚Ä…cznie usuniÄ™cie mejla ze skrzynki.

    50. Drop the couch on the cat…. the say opps! Worked for my …yes still…husband!FYI don't post stuff about boys coming to visit or anything else. Causes problems!

    51. Kyllä voin sanoa, että erääseen tuntemaani iäkkääseen puhujaan kuvaus sopii oivallisesti, eikä edes ole liioittelua. Ainakin kerran hän on pyytänyt vapautusta tehtävästään.Jairus

    52. “Claimed Drogba is best in the World.”Well that’s just dumb. Nobody is a better player than Messi right now. I still think Torres is the best goalscorer in the world but Messi is the best all around player (and there’s no way he has that goal tally in England, as opposed to Torres who never had a goal tally close to what he put up at Liverpool BEFORE he came to England — no, scoring against Arsenal doesn’t count). Assists are part of being an attacking player, nobody else on this list comes close to Messi in that department.

    53. that the only good or acceptable ideas come from those who inhabit this stretch of land.” It seems to me, that was done when we constructed our Constitution. We have many moral impasses in this nation, views that will always ‘butt heads’ — but there is ONE right and one wrong. Follow our Constitution, which is the law of the land. Anything else is wrong, regardless of differing viewpoints or ideology. I don’t need our Supreme Court to look around the world at other nations (which Liberals do) to tell us our to “interpret” our Constitution. It’s easily read.

    54.  ( 2012.03.9 19:46 ) : I thought it was going to be some boring old publish, but it really compensated for my time. I will publish a link to this page on my blog. I’m positive my visitors will discover that very useful

    55. Évidemment: je switche du débat des chefs aux Francs-Tireurs, et kiskié là? Bigras. Bigras nouveau chroniqueur du J de M à matin, Bigras à T-Q à soir. Pour un porte-parole de l’itinérance, il bouge pas souvent de devant ma face.

    56. Brittany-I have one of the ractangle baby wipe cases that u can get at the store. Flat, fits nicely n the siaper bag. Same as what most people use. I use Bounty Basic paper towels and they hold up nicely. Brawny is better if u can catch them on sale.

    57. Om forbud løser noe eller ikke vites ikke, tiggingen er iallefall plagsom. Tydeligvis mange som gir til tiggere, da det synes å bli stadig flere av dem. Spørs om det hadde vært så mange av dem om ingen hadde gitt noe.

    58. above i dont define myself as weak! its all about how you look at things nobody has a perfect life everybodys got weaknesses! everybody thinks theyve got to acheive perfection! or the perfect life it dosnt exist nothing is as ideal as it seems! nothing and knowone! so everyone just chill and do what you want and what you enjoy!

    59. Nem gondolkoztunk még ezen, de elvileg lehet hosszú újjút is csináltatni, amit biztosan fogunk készíteni az a női póló, mert erre több igény is fölmerült már.

    60. cosmica; Agfa; Prietenie; Elefantelul curios; Flamingo (si altele … MUST SEE!!); Pants down; Sageata timpului; Related Posts:Miercurea fără cuvinte – dii, peÈ™tiÈ™orule, dii!Miercurea fără cuvinte

    61. acredito que existe sim outros povos intra terrenos,mas em dimenssões diferentes,são espiritos com baixo padrão vibratorio que permanecem estacionados em sua evolução.tudo que vibra positivamente buscA E ATINGE A LUZ.A LUZ É O TODO É O FIM DA ESPANÇÃO É O QUE ALGUNS CHAMA DE DEUS. MAS EXISTE SIM A ESCURIDÃO CENTRAL

    62. Roger Martins Cézar disse:Muito bacana. A analogia tem tudo haver com a caminhada cristã. O esporte sempre ensinando.Parabéns pelo textoAbraços em CristoPr Roger – Rede de Esportes IBL

    63. I’ve been meaning to stop by here for awhile but am always running late to class and don’t have the time… this has giving me a little more of a push to get in there!

    64. ich mag den november auch nicht. weihnachten ist noch nicht da, der oktober rum und überhaupt. und ja, januar und februar sind noch schlimmer, denn da ist weihnachten ja vorbei und der frühling noch weit. Aber sooo schlecht fand ich das Licht gar nicht auf den Bildern…:)lg moni

    65. داداش این خیلی خوبه ولی وقتی از بازی میای بیرون و دوباره میری تو همه چی به شکل سابقش بر میگرده

    66. Twas a brilliant idea– and flatlined for the last month with one announcement tweet. That’s the thing about social media, someone has to keep flogging the new beast to get ‘em rolling. If no one posts a request via the account, it seems like what it is now, a great idea.

    67. Ã…hh vad jag känner igen mig i din beskrivning! Ibland känns det som om livet bara är rutiner… Men men… Själv är jag hemma med sjuk liten pojk, feber och kräkningar. FÃ¥r vara glad över att det var en lÃ¥ng frisk period innan nu. Nu ska jag försöka ta mig i kragen o plugga lite medan lillen sover. KRam kram och trevlig helg!

    68. Trist att ni inte kan sjunga mer.Ibland får man vara glad för det lilla!Öland, ja, där har man tillbringat mååånga somrar förr. I år ska vi upptäcka den andra ön :)KrAm Anna

    69. *Diane : et j’ajoute savoureux (mais à travers l’écran c’est difficile d’en prendre un pour goûter). *Eryn : rassures-moi et dis-moi que tu es immunisée contre la toxoplasmose ! *Flo bretzel : ah oui, en slunch c’est bien aussi !*Myriam : c’est quoi des maquereaux façon wetwet ? C’est Suisse ? C’est wet = mouillé ? Tu me dis ? Amitiés. *Arno : chez ta maman les roulés c’était pour le goûter ?

    70. Hola chicas!! Felicitaciones!!! me encanta el blog!! está genial!! y los trabajos, una delicia!! son unas genias! por supuesto que me anoto y las seguiré porque las admiro desde siempre! Un beso enorme y éxitos en esta nueva casita! Gracias por compartir!!! Andrea

    71. Speaking of that, I have never seen any reference on how long it takes to warm the oceans as overall atmospheric temps begin to rise. An awful lot of mass to heat up, there. That would certainly explain the lag in CO2 rise with temperature.But yes, don’t shake the ocean to check – you might release the methane ice on the bottom, and that would be bad.

    72. Sobre la figura del Chacal hay un buen perfil en el último libro de Antonio Salas, "El Palestino", donde se infiltra en el entramado terrorista internacional, empezando por el islamista

    73. uts:to each their own.what does that have to do with u not putting mareally your racist white canine whore on a leash though?really?u r so quick to attack laa/me/fp for things we do not even say…but you let your nicole rant freely as she slanders steve h as illiterate and blatantly typically lies about his nonexistent ghost writer????wtf???????

    74. Some very interesting items on the menu.I am shocked no one else thinks that the hot lemon coke is strange. Coke must be enjoyed ice coke. Warming it up just seems wrong.

    75. dokonale tento článeček vystihuje metody manipulace v "našich" mediích.Pravicoví novináři vyberou nejméně vhodné snímky levicových politiků.Tady stojí a připomenutí i dávný případ pana Sládka. Tento politik byl při volbě prezidenta vyfocen na WC při močení.. jeho reakce byla pochopitelné popral se s novinářem, který ho vyfotil. Pravice a media z něho udělala agresore jenž napadl ubohého novináře.

    76. Great app. How ’bout adding an Instapaper “read later” button on your browser? Or at least a bookmark where the app opens where you left off.

    77. Et pourquoi c’est pas le gars qui met le linge? hein? pas bien!Sinon, je note la petite pub subliminale aux t-shirt « la fraise »…

    78. Thaiz comentou em 7 de maio de 2012 às 14:04. Julita….continua linda, leve e solta! Rss…mas tá na hora de você cortar esse cabelón né?! Tá comprido de maaaaiissss! 🙂

    79. Non il ne boucle pas tant que sa. Y a deux semaine j’ai appeler Jean Louis David il m’ont dit que il fallait repasser les plaques donc sa ma un peu degouter mais je connais quelqun qui en a fait un et sa marche vachement bien alors je le fait Samedi 🙂 Hate !

    80. I'm pretty sure that, sedated or not, the pig's hide is too thick for a tattooing needle to bother it. It barely hurts a human (depending on location) and pig anatomy is so much sturdier than ours. I believe this is no problem at all, and the pigs do not appear to be suffering. Animal rights activists just need to lighten up and complain about real animal cruelty.-Sith

    81. à°®ీà°°ు ' à°¹ైదరాà°¬ాà°¦ు à°¬్à°²ాà°—à°°్à°²ు' అనడం à°¬ాà°—ో à°²ేà°¦ు! 'à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ు à°¬్à°²ాà°—à°°్à°²ు' అనవలిà°¸ింà°¦ి !! నమోà°¦ు à°šేà°¸ిà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ à°µాà°°ిà°²ో à°¨ేà°¨ొà°•à°¡ిà°¨ి.à°¨ాà°¦ి à°¹ైదరాà°¬ాà°¦ు à°•ాà°¦ే! à°¨ేà°¨ు à°°ాà°•ూà°¡à°¦ా?

    82. Hi, the first letter was sent to my billing address, not my shipping address. I do not know if it is just me or other people had this dilemma but I just wished to let you guys know. It was definitely disappointing not getting the letter where I’m suitable now!

    83. All About EveBringing Up BabyCabaretDrugstore CowboyEmpire of the SunFanny and AlexanderGhost and Mrs. Muir, TheHannah and Her SistersIn AmericaJohnny GuitarKluteLion in Winter, TheMeet me in St. LouisNashvilleOverboardPostcards from The EdgeQuerelleRedsSchindler’s ListTin Drum, TheUnzippedVertigoWhats Up DocXanaduYou Can Count on MeZelig

    84. dis-donc ce post donne trop envie de laisser 1 commentaire !moi aussi je me lance pour la première fois !Je suis une fan assidue jeune belle très futée et très cultivée, qui a connu ton blog par un lien sur un blog bd de fille et qui aime désormais les patates plus que les chaussures, c’est dire…à bientôt !

    85. Rester glamour en étant malade, je ne sais pas faire…alors pour y remédier je prends mon mal en patience, je ne sors pas de chez moi et surtout j’évite de croiser un miroir car comme le dit Cat-Chan, cela nous rend encore plus malade…voila, désolé de ne pas pouvoir te prodiguer de recettes miracles !Le bon côté dans tout ça c’est que ça t’arrive avant l’Egypte…c’est tout de même mieux !

    86. 5-8-12Daniel spune: va rog frumos cum pot sa imi aflu placa de sunet am pc intel R windows xp sp3 am incercat mulete draivare si nu a mers nik si cum faceam la celalalte pc imi nu merge aicia ce drecu sa fac +18V-a ajutat acest raspuns?

    87. Paolo, guarda che hai sbagliato post, dovevi rispondermi in quello sulla Luna. Si vede che ho toccato un nervo scoperto. Eh quanto fa male la verità. E tu saresti il nerd ingenuo? Tze

    88. Nik may be the most honest blogger out there. Unfortunatly, he is also one of the most politically incorrect. As the rest of the media pushes PC as being the true measure of human virtue, he is forced to deny knowing you Nik. God forbid anyone think for themselves.

    89. à°®ీ à°¦్à°µిà°¶్à°°ి à°•à°µిà°¤ాà°ª్à°°ేà°°à°£ à°¤ో à°¨ాà°²ో à°•à°µిà°¤ాà°µేà°¶ం à°ªొంà°—ింà°¦ి à°¨ాà°¨్నపకన్à°¡ి à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°•ాà°¸ుà°•ోంà°¡ి.à°ª్à°°ేà°® à°’à°• à°ªేà°¡.à°ª్à°°ేయసి à°’à°• à°¦ూà°¡ .à°ª్à°°ిà°¯ుà°¡ే à°¦ాà°¨ి à°¨ీà°¡. తల్à°²ిà°¦ంà°¡్à°°ుà°²ే à°…à°¡్à°¡ుà°—ోà°¡ à°•ాబట్à°Ÿి à°ª్à°°ేà°®ింà°šà°•ు à°“ మగడా.à°‡ంà°• à°®ీ ఇష్à°Ÿం à°¯ెంà°¤ à°¸ేపన్à°¨ à°µా à°µా à°µా à°…à°¨ుà°•ోంà°¡ి.

    90. Quickly itself is written in Python, but it doesn’t limit developers to Python. There are already templates for C++ projects, and I hope that after the reboot we will get contributors building even more templates in more languages.

    91. Ah, es que Vivaldi te da siempre las mismas sensacionesm en cambio Bach te hace sentir muchas cosas distintas.Es como por ejemplo: Vivaldi es la mariguana, Bach es la cocaína. Ya llegar al extasís, sería terminar hablando las burradas que habla Maurice Echeverría, y no hay necesidad, jejé.Saludos.

    92. podziwiam naiwna wiare ludzi w Gowina //Dokładnie, Gowin jest dobry być może jako atrapa, bufor, zasadniczo on jest skompromitowany. Ale do następnych wyborów kilka tych szabel ma.

    93. I just stumbled on your blog when I was lookng on google. I have to say that the information here was the most complete that I found anywhere. I am definitely bookmarking this to come back and read later.

    94. wow sieht echt toll aus. Sag mal, kennst du das Buch “the beautiful – illustrations for fashion and style”? Könnte mir vorstellen dass dir das gefällt Natalia, da sind wahnsinning viele stylische Illustrationen von hammer Künstlern drinnen!lg daisy

    95. I’m pretty sure the Missus and I ate at Mai Thai a couple of years ago. A very enjoyable meal.Thomas and Anonymous are right: Thais eat with fork and spoon, the spoon on the right, the fork used to shove food into the spoon. The only time I ever saw chopsticks in Thailand was at Chinese restaurants (at which we dined frequently, my hosts invariably being Chinese).

    96. It’s a shame she can;t got anywhere without people prying on her, i live in Tennessee if that happened to my wife we take the redneck way someone would get there Ass whipped.

    97. RE: bruiserGood advice. If your boss wants to fire you but don’t have an excuse – in my company he calls me to request a phone call log and a proxy server log. Note: we have a policy prohibiting access persononal email accounts but I don’t block access to any URL unless specifically requested. If you are good worker – no questions asked. If you are not – that would be one of legal excuses the day they fire you

    98. Ciao Procione ho letto la tua riflessiva poesia….ti posso citare in un sito che parla di resistenza umana al lavoro ??Intanto, temendo che tu abbia un capo diabolico, ti segnalo questa, che cade a pennello con quanto hai scritto!

  6. غير معروف

    ولسا مصرّين انها اول سيارة انا شايف مرسيدس 2014 في طهران لونها ازرق فستقي
    وشفت وحده ثانية في مقديشو لونها اخضر برتقالي وشايف وحده في صعده لونها بني عشبي
    هذا غير اللي شفتها في ابو دبي مع وحده كاميرونية وفي ظبي مع واحد روسي.

    لا احد يكذبني ترا ازعل .. انا مسموح لي اكذب بس ما اسمح لا احد يكذبني.

    1. بيسوّن معك مقابلة .. بيقولون من أين أكتسبت خفة الدم ماشاء الله !

  7. اليوم حفل الاطلاق في الريا

  8. ملك البنز

    ننتظر ونشوف


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