أطلقت شيفروليه سلفرادو Special Ops الإختبارية والمستوحاة من قوات العمليات الخاصة, وذلك ضمن مشاركتها خلال معرض سيما. حيث تم إستوحاء هذه النسخة المميزة من سيفارادو 1500 Z71
السيارة مبنية على سلفرادو Z71 1500, ولكن حصلت على تعديلات خاصة و مميزة مثل الكشافات الـ LED الموجودة في الأمام وعلى السقف, جنوط قياس 20 إنش, عجلات خاصة عالية الأداء و شديدة التحمل, شبك أسود, و طلاء متعدد الألوان والمستوحى من السيارات العسكرية الخاصة.
أما من الداخل, حصلت السيارة على مقاعد مضادة للماء, خطوط أرضية, مقابض خاصة للقفازات, بالإضافة الى حصولها على العديد و العديد من الإضافات الغريبة و المثيرة.
صور شيفروليه سلفرادو Special Ops الإختبارية
Chevrolet’s 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.
Chevrolet’s 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.
Chevrolet’s 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.
Chevrolet’s 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.
Chevroletâs 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.
Chevroletâs 2016 Silverado Special Ops concept is based on the Silverado 1500 Z71, which features a new front-end design and new technologies built into its strong, high strength steel body structure and fully boxed frame, and draws its design inspiration from naval design aesthetics.