تسريب صور باقاني هوايرا Macchina Volante, السيارة الأسرع في تاريخ الشركة

@Omar Alsawadi

تسربت باقاني هوايرا Macchina Volante قبل الكشف عن السيارة في معرض جنيف من خلال إنستجرام.

نعلم أن السيارة ستكون محدودة الإنتاج وباهظة الثمن، ويقال أنها ستكون بوزن 1,218 كجم وقوة 830 حصان وعزم 1,100 نيوتن-متر، وستكون أسرع باقاني قانونية على الطرقات.

Come on Baby, let’s do the twist. ??✨ Here is @simonetarozzi wringing out Macchina Volante yesterday in final testing. I texted Simone and asked him to please make some smoke for ?@denismphoto? to photograph. He said, “Sure.” ?????. Grazie Ragazzi! The Pagani Macchina Volante has been given so much love, attention, time, experimentation, redesign, testing, etc. that I cannot imagine ever doing another car with this much detail. Macchina Volante is very special to me and I can honestly say that I consider everyone involved a dear friend. What an experience it has been and it has only just begun. More to come! ??? MV⚡️BC _____________________________________________________ #MacchinaVolante #Pagani #Huayra #PaganiMacchinaVolante #PaganiHuayraMacchinaVolante #HuayraBC #HuayraRoadster #MVBC #Zonda #HoracioPagani #SimoneTarozzi #DenisMarosan #AlbertoPiccolo #KrisSingh #Grazie #GOAT #GrazieMille #MyFavoriteCarOfAllTime #Geneva #GenevaTakeOver #GIMS2018 #SmokeTiresNotDrugs #KrisSingh #BLESSED

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Here is my favorite car of all time, the Pagani Huayra Macchina Volante, photographed during the final shakedown testing earlier today in Italy. This close up is showing the geometry of the wing which is one of many custom aerodynamic elements. This is the flying machine; this is Macchina Volante! ??? Photographed by: ? @denismphoto ? I look forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show!! @genevamotorshow_2018 #Pagani #HuayraBC #MacchinaVolante MV⚡️BC ______________________________________________________ #HoracioPagani #Pagani #PaganiHuayraMachinaVolante #HuayraBC #MacchinaVolante #PaganiHuayraBC #PaganiHuayraBCMacchinaVolante #MVBC #Italy #Switzerland #Geneva #GIMS2018 #GenevaTakeOver #Fangio #JuanManualFangio #France #SwissAlps #Dolomites #Miami #MiamiBeach #305 #SoFlo #KrisSingh #SouthBeach #Huayra #Zonda #HoracioPagani #MV⚡️BC #BLESSED

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Here is my favorite car of all time, the Pagani Huayra Macchina Volante, photographed during the final shakedown testing earlier today in Italy. More photos will follow of what is the fastest Pagani ever to wear a license plate. This is the flying machine; this is Macchina Volante! ??? Photographed by: ? @denismphoto ? I look forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show!! @genevamotorshow_2018 #Pagani #HuayraBC #MacchinaVolante MV⚡️BC ______________________________________________________ #HoracioPagani #Pagani #PaganiHuayraMachinaVolante #HuayraBC #MacchinaVolante #PaganiHuayraBC #PaganiHuayraBCMacchinaVolante #MVBC #Italy #Switzerland #Geneva #GIMS2018 #GenevaTakeOver #Fangio #JuanManualFangio #France #SwissAlps #Dolomites #Miami #MiamiBeach #305 #SoFlo #KrisSingh #SouthBeach #Huayra #Zonda #HoracioPagani #MV⚡️BC #BLESSED

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