إصدار تعليمات جديدة في طريقة تسعير وثيقة تأمين المركبة وحق خصم التأمين


أصدرت مؤسسة النقد العربي السعودي تعليمات جديدة تخص تسعيرات خدمات تأمين المركبات الشخصية وتصب في صالح السائقين بشكل إيجابي، وجاءت التعليمات الجديدة على الشكل الآتي:

  • إلزام شركات التأمين عند تسعيرها وثائق تأمين المركبات الإلزامي للأفراد بتقديم خصم لأصحاب السجل الخالي من المطالبات على أن يكون الخصم مطبقاً على السعر الأساسي الجديد، وتعتمد نسبة الخصم المقدمة على عدد السنوات لسجل المؤمن له دون أي مطالبات. وتصل نسبة الخصم إلى 15% من السعر الجديد لوثائق التأمين لسنة واحدة دون مطالبات، وتزداد النسبة بازدياد عدد سنوات السجل دون مطالبات لتصل إلى 30% لثلاث سنوات دون مطالبات. وسمحت التعليمات للشركات أن تقدم أيضاً خصم عدم وجود مطالبات على تأمين المركبات الشامل للأفراد.
  • إمكانيةتقديم شركة التأمين خصماً إضافياً تقديراً لولائهم للشركة بنسبة تصل إلى 10% من السعر الجديد لوثائق التأمين الإلزامي والتأمين الشامل للأفراد، ولا يقدم هذا الخصم إلا في حال تجديد المؤمن له لوثيقته لدى شركة التأمين ذاتها حال انتهائها بحيث لا يكون هناك أي فترة فاصلة بين التغطية المقدمة.
  • الأخذ بعدّة عوامل عند تسعير وثيقة التأمين، تم تقسيمها لمجموعتين تشمل المجموعة الأولى عنوان صاحب المركبة، عمر السائق، عمر المركبة، بلد المنشأ للمركبة بينما تشمل المجموعة الثانية ماركة وموديل المركبة، مخالفات السائق المرورية السابقة، استخدام المركبة، نوع وثيقة التأمين، الحوادث السابقة للسائق. وسوف يتم تطبيق عوامل المجموعة الأولى بدايةً من شهر أبريل 2017 على أن يتم الأخد بعوامل المجموعة الثانية لاحقاً بالتدريج.

تأتي هذه القوانين الجديدة مقابل مطالبات كبيرة جداً بوضع حد للتصخم الكبير الذي وصلت إليه شركات التأمين في الأشهر القليلة الماضية حيث ارتفعت الأسعار بنسبة أكثر من 200% وهو ما قوبل بحملات على مواقع التواص الإجتماعي للضغط على الجهات المسؤولة في سبيل الوصول إلى حل عادل للشركات والسائقين، فهل ترضي هذه القوانين السائقين؟ شاركونا آرائكم.



عن الكاتب

مهندس كهربائي، أحترم مهندسي نيسان وبورش.

99 تعليقات

  1. اوكي فيه خصم وولاء وكذا .. السؤال المهم كم فلوس هذا تأمين الحين؟

  2. اكيد رفعوها 250%
    مؤسسة النقد وشركات التأمين مع بعض عادي ?

  3. الناس لو تقاطع شركات التامين وتسوق زي العالم والله ليرجع التامين زي قبل
    لكن الناس هذه الايام ماسك الجوال وهو يسوق ويصدم خلق الله وما تبي التامين يرتفع
    انا عن نفسي ما جددت التامين ولن اجدد الى ان يخفضوا سعر التامين كل سنة تامين عالفاضي
    ما تعمل حوادث ولا في خصم ولاء ولا شي زيك زي راعي الاكسنت الي مدفع الشركة الاف

  4. ناصر الــــعــــــــــــتــــــــــمــــــــــــــي

    خطوه جيده جدا
    وخصوصا ان اصحاب السجل المروري السيئ يحظون بمعامله في قطاع التامينات كمثل الذين يملكون سجلات مروريه نظيفة طيلة اصدار رخص القياده

    1. Isso é coisa de quem já tem dinheiro e não está ligando mais para porra nenhuma, inventa uma desculpa medíocre como está para dizer que a banda vai acabar. A fama e o reconhecimento que eles têm hoje é por causa dos fãs.Eles podem parar para descansar e não vir com esse papo idiota de que a banda vai acabar.

    2. Melanie29. Oktober 2011Ich mag gute Mode und Beauty Blogs. Natürlich lese ich auch gerne Blogs über den Alltag des Bloginhabers. Eine kleine Auswahl gibts ja auch in meiner Blogroll. Du kannst ein Lesezeichen setzen. Dann kannst du immer schauen ob ich was geschrieben habe.

    3. A jeÅ›li chodzi o Celebre to miaÅ‚am tak samo ;/ masakra, jak robiÅ‚am 1 zamówienie to chyba za 8 razem mi sie wpisaÅ‚o i dzisiaj mam znowu to samo, nie chce mi siÄ™ w ogóle wpisać ten nr ;/ chyba zadzwonie do nich bo kurcze jak tak można…

    4. 1f7Oi,Paula!Te acompanho a muito tempo e leio os seus blogs todos os dias!Quando não tem post novo,releio os antigos e sempre descubro algo novo!Gosto muito da sua sinceridade,honestidade e principalmente da sua credibilidade.Por isso você tem leitoras-amigas fiéis e que sempre te acompanham aqui no blog.Parabéns pela qualidade do seu trabalho e continue assim,sempre dando o seu melhor!Beijos com carinho…Fabi.

    5. comentou em 2 de dezembro de 2009 às 15:11. Dá pra fazer uma escova bem bonita e ir marcando as mechas de cima (como eu fiz) com spray fixador. Vai funcionar.Bjsss!!!!

    6. Hi, you mean the Dolphin Mini is the slowest? Are you using the latest version? And can you tell me your device model and firmware version?

    7. Jag har också sett många färdigknutna flugor, sydda av snygga tyger. De brukar generellt också vara billigare än de varianter man knyter själv.Det trista är att de som Chuff antyder, blir ganska livlösa, och ser just färdigknutna ut. Har du råd och möjlighet att istället välja en variant du knyter själv, råder jag dig till det alternativet.Själva knytandet, är egentligen samma rosett som du knyter skorna med. Väldigt lätt när du en gång får in snitsen.

    8. Одно дело накладывать запрет у сажать в тюрьмы неугодных, но уничтожать, это уже слишком. Тебе не кажется? Попахивает третьим рейхом.

    9. protestant: tak sem nepastujte tiskové zprávy. To je jasné, že žádná skupina, která si výslovně nezakládá na nenávisti vůči muslimům či naopak nenávisti vůči křesťanům tyto věci nebude hlásat. Samozřejmě, že to, co budou hlásat je reklama.

    10. Congratulations, Tina! I think knowing that you’ve won after all the excruciating waiting (especially since we kept checking and checking… and then checking some more) has made it all worth it! It was my first rejection and I don’t think I was expecting it to feel so crushing, even after all the talk from everyone of how crushed they were on their first Rs. But knowing who the winners are, I’m sooooooo happy for you! And maybe just a little bit of that is because we’re both Californians mwahahaha (I’m starting a rivalry now with those darn talented Utah-ans).

    11. Lindas fotos, Ico.A do Kubica virou desktop por aqui.Abri a foto e me perguntando por que esperar o petrov, até que vi a bandeira da Russia ao fundo, hehe.E o som, bom, é música, ainda só ouvi depois que acabou every tear from every eye. hehe.Show de bola.

    12. Rivedo tantissimo me e la mia famiglia nei vostri comportamenti! anche noi abbiamo un cane molto simile al tuo e per noi e una terza figlia! ha gli stessi comportamenti del tuo…e poi dulcis in fundo, il papà della mia cagnolona si chiamava Baloo! a tutto ciò auguroni al tuo bel Baloo e col tuo permesso faccio copia e incolla della ricetta dei biscotti! ciao;)

    13. Tudom,pl. nekem is ilyen paneles Lenovo céges gépem volt. De tablet is volt az Apple elÅ‘tt, mégis Å‘k tették elterjedté… Marketingben, nyálelválasztás beindításában marha jók!

    14. Je woelt veel herkenning op. Ik heb een andere baan gezocht. Niet ideaal misschien, maar ik word nu tenminste op mijn kwaliteiten beoordeeld. Sterkte Jezz! Wees bang op je blog, maar laat het hem niet merken!

    15. comentou em 6 de maio de 2010 às 13:47. tanto a bolsa quanto o cinto em couro não rolam para um evento desses – e com tal vestido!o cinto ficaria muito mais bonito se fosse, sei lá, de cetim =]e a bolsa também, de um material mais fino, né

    16. I don’t know what the defense is thinking, but I’m guessing the prosecution wants Assange and a couple of other folks a *lot* more than they want to put Manning away for decades.

    17. Your write-up prοvides proven necеѕsаryto us. It’s extгеmelу educatiοnal anԁ you really are сertаinlу quitе eԁucated of this type.Υou possеss eхposeԁ my oωn sighttο numerous viewѕ on this particular matteг with interеsting and sound wгіtten content.

    18. Claudio, credo che fare l’infermiere abbia anche un altro aspetto. Ti rapporti ogni giorno con essa, rendendola forse piu tollerabile. Sostenendo con il tuo operato, e anche dando conforto, con parole adeguate che vorremmo ci fossero rivolte quando si e’ vulnerabili, da una battuta simpatica, strappando un sorriso, magari. Non e’ come svuotare il caricatore di una pistola ma daltronde di lavoro si tratta, tuti quanti dobbiamo campare.Metta a te metta a tutti voiBianca nimmala

    19. Wyrazisty! O, wÅ‚aÅ›nie. Tego sÅ‚owa szukaÅ‚am w pamiÄ™ci i nie przyszlo w porÄ™. Jak Mania napisaÅ‚a o sztyletnikach od razu w myÅ›lach porównaÅ‚am ich z powszechniejszymi nożownikami.sztyletnicy – nożownicy, sztyletnicy – nożownicySztyletnicy brzmieli dużo bezlitoÅ›niej.* * *Coraz bardziej mi siÄ™ nie chcepozdr

    20. Je suis également domiciliée en Suisse. Ce qui est assez normal, puisque je suis née suisse, comme mes parents, mes grands-parents, mes aïeux, mes ancêtres et leurs géniteurs. Cela intéresse-t-il quelqu’un ? Je serais curieuse de le savoir, parce que, personnellement, si cela ne me concernait pas au premier chef, cela ne m’intéresserait pas du tout. Du tout.

    21. வினவு, அப்பாவிகள் தண்டிக்கப்படும்போது அதை யாராலும் ஏற்றுகொள்ள முடியாது. அதே நேரத்தில் தவறு செய்தவர்களை ஓட்டு வங்கிக்காக தண்டனையிலிருந்து தப்பிக்க வைப்பதையும் ஏற்று கொள்ள முடியாது. பாதிக்கப்பட்ட அப்பாவிகள் என்று ஐந்து ஆறு உதாரணங்களை சொல்லி இருக்கிறீர்கள். அதுபோல் பயங்கரவாதத்தால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட பல்லாயிரக்à001000®•à®£à®•à¯à®•à®¾à®© பொதுமக்களின் கண்ணீர் கதைகளை வினவு வெளியிடுமா? அது ஏன் உங்கள் கண்ணுக்கு தெரிவதில்லை? –மாக்ஸிமம்

    22. ada disana kakak…35k untuk steaknya, tidak terlalu mahal bukan..dibanding boncafe dll….maap gan, ane updatenya malam..si wina yang mention siang, jadi pas puasa :p

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    24. Unneccesary step when importing subscribersWhile choosing the specific group to whom a campaign should be sent to, the user is required to use a 2-step process:a. Choosing the groupb. Specifying which email addresses (in the group) that a campaign should be sent to.Step 2 is repetitive and unnecessary. I intend to send the email campaign to all the email addresses that I imported.

    25. il nuovismo é semplice… hai letto il programma del moVimento 5 stelle?e l’hai letto il programma del PD e del PDL? ti rispondo io…. non puoi averlo letto perché non esiste.Solo per quello é una novitá.Per non parlare dei metodi di democrazia interna al movimento, delle idee uniche nel panorama politico italiano e della correttezza fin ora dimostrata

    26. Gente! eu moro na praia (em Floripa) sempre estou pegando um sol e nunca usei esses hidratantes pós sol, AMEI a ideia e vou comprar alguns para mim, agora vai fazer parte da minha rotina…

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    29. Takk for seitanoppskrift! Det er noe jeg har tenkt på å prøve lenge, men har aldri kommet til det før i dag. Riktignok hadde jeg verken røkt paprikapulver eller løkpulver og jeg hadde bare tykk, søt soyasaus, men det funket allikevel. Blir sikkert enda bedre hvis jeg faktisk har ingrediensene

    30. The ‘General Assembly’ is not at the UN as Picow notedin this blog. It’s the General Assembly of Jewish organizations,meeting in Los Angeles. Olmert can’t wait to go there, hopkng itwill be a bit more friendly than the climate in Washingotn.

    31. Hei.Skulle tro barna hadde feberstafett. Det blir en evig runddans. Håper det bedrer seg med vår i lufta.Kos dere på Hafjell og ha en fin påskeferie. Blir en liten ferie på meg og, med HELE 6 dager fri på rad.Vi snakkes.Klem Mona C

    32. , I got one of them my own and I wore them to a party as well,but would you really wear them as a fashion item to go shopping or something like this ?Great blog btw. really!

    33. punch has sworn that they must punch mr president to political death with the power of PEN but thats not fair naa..jonathan is not the one that rubbish this country..he is only clearing the monumental mess..look at d corruption in the PENSION FUND,SUBSIDY,HALIBORTHON,etc..is jonathan the one unleaching those monumental corruption mehem?lets stop empowering him with insult cos he is MAKING PROGRESS.

    34. Madjer como o artista é reencidente na matéria (ano passado) tá bem de ver o porque!!de continuar tudo na mesma! quanto á chamada á seleção eu quero ver a quantos estágios com esta atitude por parte do atleta em causa ele vai!!

    35. You can certainly see your enthusiasm in the paintings you write. The world hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

    36. Dapper. Als je vlees wilt eten, het ook zelf (?) vangen, in elk geval schoonmaken. Zouden meer mensen moeten doen, dan zouden ze er ook vast minder van eten 🙂

    37. Habe sie gestern bei KEXP gesehen / gehört. Mit etwas Verspätung, dafür jetzt bereits gefühlte 20 mal innerhalb von 24 Stunden. Und ja, dass ist neben Polica mein absoluter Favorit 2012.

    38. I have been waiting for the appearance of your book for younger children. That’s the one we need, but when it is available we will be ordering both. Do you have a projected release date?

    39. Let’s address those “what if’s”. I think if we talk about them we may be able to be of service to someone (at least) and perhaps alleviate the fears so that they feel better about obeying.What are the “What if’s” on your mind?

    40. Información Bitacoras.com…Valora en Bitacoras.com: Sean Anders realizó su debut como director cinematográfico con la película independiente de 2.005 Never Been Thawed, que escribió junto con John Morris. La comedia recibió una calurosa acogida por parte de la crítica cuando s…..

    41. Sujet très intéressant mais le lecteur qui aimerait bien partager son expérience, souhaiterait trouver les liens de ce projet « ouvert » selon l’auteur (voir le lien mentions légales)Merci ce votre aide

    42. Hej :)Du kan bare gøre det på den rå måde. Gå ind for logge ind, og derefter trykke på slet din profil. :pTænk på det er bare tidsfordriv skurk, og du har din egen programmeret hjemmeside. Så hvorfor have en FB profil? xDDet var bare det.

    43. Fantomzeit – Dunkelheit oder Leere im frühen Mittelalter? » Neues aus dem Forum für Grenzwissenschaften sagte hierzu am 18. März 2012 um 17:56: […] mit Hilfe der Dendrochronologie. [zur Kritik der Dendrochronologie siehe etwa zuletzt Otte (2010)] Zu beachten ist allerdings die anschließende …

    44. SBGAugust 18, 2011 at 1:24 pmI use it to type short pieces, less than 1,000 words. With a bluetooth keyboard it is of course much easier. Since there are laptops out by Acer and Toshiba that are actually cheaper than the tablet, you might want to look there too.The office software is available for the tablet, but it really isn’t as good as an old fashioned and uncool laptop.Good luck!

    45. Moin!Ich habe auch eines der Bücher gewonnen und wollte fragen, ob sich die Leute von WordPress-Deutschland schon bei dir gemeldet haben? Bei mir nämlich nicht. Oder hast du dich bei denen gemeldet?

    46. श्रीकांतआपल्या मनात खूप जास्त शक्ती आहे, पण आपण ती ओळखू शकत नाही. मनावर ताबा मिळवण्यासाठी बरेच प्रकार आहेत, त्यातला सगळ्यात सोपा प्रकार म्हणजे ’आस्तिक’ होऊन कुठल्या तरी देवाची उपासना करणे. असो. प्रतिक्रियेसाठी आभार.

    47. For noen herlige bilder av en glad gutt:)))Håper du får en flott dag på skolen og takk for koslig melding i bloggen min.klem fra Ann Elin

    48. I feel your pain Fergus! I had two 8s in my round on Saturday and ended up shooting 89. I was close to opting for an NR too. The most annoying thing is that I hit the ball really well for about 12 holes at various times in the round. My putting was a comedy of errors and I’m so bad right now that I’d make Lee Westwood look good. Oh well, there’s almost next week.

    49. Ahí van pues: El primero es árabe, el otro griego, eso sí, traducidos en francés:Trompe-moi une fois, c’est ta faute, trompe-moi deux fois, c’est la mienne.(Si me engañas una vez, es culpa tuya,si lo haces dos veces, la culpa es mía) Il n’y a pas de grenouille qui ne trouve son crapaud.( No hay rana que no encuentre a su sapo)Lo siento, soy muy poco ingeniosa… 🙁

    50. Salutacions!A veure si entre tots aprenem i compartim experiencies sobre l’ús dels blogs i podcasts a la universitat. Seguiré atent a tot el què ens vagis explicant!francesc

    51. Bu yazıları okuyabiliyorsak bu reklamlar sayesinde.BasÇek'te sizi rahatsız edecek reklamlar yoktu mesela ama bu benim para kazandıracak başka şeylerle de ilgilenmemi ve artık daha seyrek yazı hazırlamam ile sonuçlandı.

    52. It’s a shame you don’t have a ԁonatе button!I’d definitely donate to this fantastic blog! I guess for now i’ll settlefor bookmaгking and addіng your RSS fеed to my Goοgle аccоunt.I look forward to fresh updates and will talκ about this blоg withmy Faсebook group. Τalk soon!

    53. Seems like is you are going to have a bulky case with the ANT+ sensor, you could have included a battery in the case. This triple role would really make it shine, A little more bulk for the added benefit of pretty much guaranteeing it would last through any ride……

    54. Arias Cárdenas: Esta es una batalla que debemos dar por la vida y el rescate del ZuliaEl candidato a la Gobernación del estado Zulia, Francisco Javier Arias Cárdenas, se congregó en el Palacio de los Eventos de Maracaibo, para compartir con la maquinaria revolucionaria, que está desplegada en todos los municipios de la región zuliana, construyendo el triunfo revolucionario, en el marco de la Batalla Naval del Lago, del 16 de diciembre.

    55. disse:HAuhauhauah EU GOSTO MESMO! Especialmente ad música "Cilada". Um primor da MPB brasileira. Po, Mortal Kombat Vs Killer Instinct seria FODA, e eu acho que até combinaria bem… os dois jogos tem um esquema parecido, lutadores mais pesados e tal. Drake e Lara Croft é um crossover que ainda vai rolar, eu boto fé!!

    56. Sure you don’t want whip cream on that and maybe a swirl of chocolate. Oh and a cherry. And some sprinkles. On second thought, That might take it right over the edge. Imagine the size of your man bits if you order one like that.

    57. Brilliant! And there was nothing wrong with your maths – you do still have 12 years to play with. I, on the other hand, have a measly 5. I’m hoping someone will change the goalposts before then. On the other hand, I think living till 120 is probably tops (though who would want to?) so one has to enter middle age at some point.

    58. Francisco disse:O que me deixa indignado é que a ToT do Gripen já começou e as lesmas do GF ficam se amarrando para anunciá-lo como vencedor. Só o que me falta é depois disso tudo anunciarem o Rafale. O Gripen já é um bom negócio para o Brasil mesmo sem ser o vencedor da concorrência, imagina quando emplacar vendas para o próprio Brasil?

    59. Sitruk, soyez plus lucide encore : « retrouver Valérie, petite copine d’enfance », ce n’est même pas un avantage qu’on paye cher, c’est la première des des dix plaies de Facebook. (It’s not a feature, it’s a bug!)

    60. I’m starting to realize that my sadness is in the little things, and those things make themselves known to me. The sad little things scream in my face. I need to give the happy little things a leg up. Tea + couch + ballgame sounds AMAZING. Do it to it.

    61. Ach, darum wird Half-Life 3 nicht fertig: Gordon Freeman hat sich aufs Bloggen verlegt! Was treibt Alyx dieser Tage so?Antworten

    62. Ahhh. And he probably got paid more than for his entire time at the ABC. Fortunately 9 didn’t ‘warehouse’ him for six years.Newstopia will be fantastic. Nobody will watch it but it will be the best show ever.

    63. Gracias por el artículo. Detecté que mi sitio habia sido hackeado al consultar google. Siguiendo las recomendaciones vi que mi pagina de inicio tenia injectado codigo .js que redireccionaba a sitios maliciosos. Lo he podido solucionar aunque tras validarme todo google, la consulta de mi sitio sigue mostrando las palabras maliciosas.Reitero mi agradecimiento.

    64. Un autre problème pour cette station: apparemment, on doit laisser le wifi tourner en permanence. Que se passe-t-il si l’ordi est éteint ou la box internet éteinte?

    65. Merengue changed in multiple ways. For one, it became almost twice as fast as it usewd to be earlier.I’ve been told once that it was under the influence of using cocaine that it became so fast today. if it’s true….?

    66. Great story for kids! Bullying is such a horrible thing in any form, whether it's kids or adults. Always glad to see someone helping others fight it. Best to you, Kai & Lee~ <3

    67. Jack, I agree, buying a home isn't always a good investment. Also, there are always examples of people buying near or at the top of a market. However, the aggregate data show most people bought well before the peak, refinanced at lower rates, many more than once, extracted trillions of dollars of home equity, built-up a great deal of equity, even after the $50,000 decline in the median home price over the past three years, or paid-off their mortgages.

    68. How adorable!!! Oh, I’d take her home at the drop of a hat too…….she’s so precious. Your photo made me smile. How sweet.Come on now Gattina, go give Rosie a gentle hug from me please. *squish*

    69. А что за «ÃÂ·ÃÂµÃÂ»ÃÂµÃÂ½Ã‘‹Ð¹ глазок гидрометра»?Полярность можно еще было определить, воткнув в гнездо смарт. Земляной контакт наверняка соединен с экраном внутри смарта.

    70. Donations to your church, or to NPR count as charitable, but almost all of that donation should really be interpreted as "membership dues." Has any attempt been made to see if there is a systematic difference between charitable donations minus those best seen as membership dues? I would expect conservatives to be members of churches at higher rates than liberals.

    71. Mal, the map shows various trans Saharan routes, including from Central and East Central Africa. As to your subjective opinion of what black North Africans look like, if you look at the population of Mali and Senegal you will see a massive variety of physical traits and types, botth across and within ethnic groups. Black (coastal) Libyans do tend to look very much like Chadians, whereas black Tunisians are more mixed.The paper wasn't looking at Europran mtDNA, so it provides little information in that regard.

    72. No tengo conocimiento de alguno por allá pero es una oportunidad, sería cuestión que se junten a conversar para organizarlo Saludos Cristian!

    73. I just tried the tutorial without admin priv on the cmd, (for php go-pear.phar) and it didn’t work well: pear config-show displays lots of C:\\Windows locations (a popular bug). Running as admin changed all the locations to the php folder. Worth mentioning in the tut?

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    75. Dairy here. I really have to watch it. No more than one serving a day and I am okay. 2 days of huge glasses of milk at dinner and I get a bad breakout in a few days. Interesting about soy.

    76. 22aדוחה אך מעניין : )היו לנו שנה שיברה בקומפוסטר,הזדעזעתי קשות אבל בזכות כמה חברים פארמהקלצ’ריסטים הבנתי את האיכויות שלו ועדיין שמחתי על עזיבתם בחורף…השנה לא בטוחה שהם כבר הגיעו,יש דרך להביא אותם?(לא מאמינה שאני שואלת את זה אבל קצב הפירוק שלהם היה פשוט מדהים)ואני מעדיפה אותם על ג’וקים…21

    77. There is dual screen support. Windows_Show Events on Separate Display or Show Viewer on Separate Display. I’m concerned about the other issues but seeing as there’s zero info at the moment, I’m not jumping to conclusions.

    78. se pratique depuis 2007, sans état d'âme…Enfin, je pense que certains policiers doivent réfléchir à ce qu'ils sont, ce sont des êtres humains, aussi.Mais à l'époque de Vichy, certains Français trouvaient normal d'obéir à certains ordres et on connait la fin de l'histoire…Amitiés.

    79. 8 février 2010coucou johnny ses brenda qui t envoye un petit  message pour e dire que tu me manque mais ses pour ton bien je saie que ses pas evident de rester sur place toi tu a la bougeote tu aime pas rester en places mais il le faut pour ta santer bisou a bientot peut etre sur scene  

    80. Très simple , tu vois Karim à RG 08, W 08 et AO 09?Ben, c’est St Pierre.Aux 3 lieux où il a renié le Maître, le Maître lui a ouvert les yeux , un an jour pour jour, après.

    81. Get version 5.6.1 It works then. Scroll down on the cheat engine home page and you’ll find a link to it. TDU doesn’t recognize this version, I just tried it today.

    82. 143You experience an amazing ability to describe this sort of difficult patients accessible speech, which every layman might understand! I can’t understand when compared to books about this topic, but on account of you finally made it happen!

    83. Ooh a walk in cheese room!! How awesome. And 28kg of golden syrup! I would have so much fun in that place. It's like shopping in a grocery store for giants haha 🙂

    84. I can’t wait to one day buy a fathers day gift for my husband! The massage idea is a great gift especially because guys rarely pamper themselves happy first fathers day with your new baby!

    85. T-REX, nu e nevoie sa iti faci cont pe Trilulilu ca sa poti lua de acolo o melodie. Deschizi piesa pe care o vrei, iar acolo, pe undeva, trebuie sa existe optiunea "Embed". Iei codul de acolo cu copy si il pui intr-un document word (altfel nu se copiaza intreg pe blog). Din word il copiezi apoi pe blog. Daca nu te descurci, spune-mi si iti mai explic 🙂 Bafta! Cricri, sigur ca nu e buna in exces, intr-o vreme, o "practicam" cam mult si probabil ca mi-a daunat. Dar nici nu m-as putea lipsi de ea vreodata.

    86. Miss Tashina!! I cannot wait for the day you design MY wedding dress!! I never thought I really wanted one until I spied this reception dress. It was all over from there. Perfection. xoxo

    87. “I think you are generalizing from anecdotal evidence pertaining mostly to Asians in the Western world.”Yes, I do base my statements largely from many real-world examples. But Rushton’s r-K continuum model in “Race, Evolution and Behavior” also supports my views.Keep in mind that scientists — oh, aren’t their opinions supposed to be trustworthy? — have a hard time accepting that Blacks have genetic advantages in sprinting (or at least they have a hard time admiting it publicly!).

    88. L’organe voméronasal est le plus souvent absent… et chez les autres il subsiste à titre de vestige (et les gènes le rendant utilisable sont absents).Je crois que l’hormone dont la dégradation entraîne les odeurs corporelles est l’androstérone qui est une hormone mâle à faible activité androgénique. Autrement dit, l’odeur chez les hommes est indépendante de leur phénotype masculin (c’est-à-dire pour faire simple de leur taux de base de testostérone).

    89. Ich habe grade eine riesen Kiste Pixibücher vom Dachboden geholte. Die kann nun meine Tochter lesen Meine Lieblinge waren Peppo und Peppino!Toller Teppich ♥ der passt so toll hier!Lg

    90. I cut myself off before I could finish that post. They struggle with it, so it would be nice if they could turn things around and start quicker with the pass to setup the run in some instances.

    91. Creo que se está ofreciendo un gran servicio, que es una pena que esté tan desaprovechado, porque todavía hay mucha gente que no nos conoce.Estoy con vosotros en que los horarios de cara al público son más que suficientes, además Internet hoy en día nos permite estar abiertos el resto del día.Para qué 24h??? esta gente no tiene casa o qué???

    92. It doesn’t surprise me David. Many people live with a dream of becoming a part of the mainstream and skin color plays an important role in it. I just wonder, though Sammy changed his skin color, could he wipe out his past from his mind with that ease?

    93. Très bonne idée que ce mémorandum sur l histoire du crit.Mais dis moi un peu, quelle est l origine de ce cri de guerre qui hante désormais la péniche et que les autres IEP nous envie: APLP (a poil les putes!)Guillaume

    94. As a retired LEO and Range Master, I can attest to the effectiveness of bird shot at close range. I agree that bird shot within a dwelling is more than sufficient to take the fight out of any intruder, while reducing the chance of over penetration and ricochet. On most ocassions, High Base 7.5 bird shot, will get the job done within 20 yards.

    95. Fun story with a happy ending. When our son was three he decided it would be great fun to hide inside one of the round clothing racks at the local department store. He terrified my wife for an hour and thought it was great fun.


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